Devon had a really cool thing going on today at school. During activities period they have been learning Ballroom dancing and today I had the great pleasure of seeing my son in action!!!! He was just amazing!!!! And to top it off he LOVED it!!! I'm so proud of you Devon.
Monday, February 9, 2009
The cake she requested chocolate w/ peanut butter icing I made the icing from scratch.
this was the tortillini that she requested.
hello everyone!! So I had a wonderful weekend. It was my sister's 25th birthday and I cooked her and her family dinner and then had cake and ice cream!!! My sister and I also came an agreement that since our mother thinks we are to old to have birthday parties that we will do them ourselves. So I gave Jessie a birthday party and if you know our kids they just had a ball!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Thursday is my cats 2nd Birthday. The kids and I just love and adore him so much. My husband well Max is growing on him. So here is his picture.